# Line Line elements can be added to sections by using ``addLine``. ``` php 1, 'width' => 100, 'height' => 0, 'color' => 635552); $section->addLine($lineStyle); ``` Available line style attributes: - ``weight``. Line width in *twip*. - ``color``. Defines the color of stroke. - ``dash``. Line types: dash, rounddot, squaredot, dashdot, longdash, longdashdot, longdashdotdot. - ``beginArrow``. Start type of arrow: block, open, classic, diamond, oval. - ``endArrow``. End type of arrow: block, open, classic, diamond, oval. - ``width``. Line-object width in *pt*. - ``height``. Line-object height in *pt*. - ``flip``. Flip the line element: true, false.