# Chart Available Chart style options: - ``width``. Width (in EMU). - ``height``. Height (in EMU). - ``3d``. Is 3D; applies to pie, bar, line, area, *true* or *false*. - ``colors``. A list of colors to use in the chart. - ``title``. The title for the chart. - ``showLegend``. Show legend, *true* or *false*. - ``LegendPosition``. Legend position, *r* (default), *b*, *t*, *l* or *tr*. - ``categoryLabelPosition``. Label position for categories, *nextTo* (default), *low* or *high*. - ``valueLabelPosition``. Label position for values, *nextTo* (default), *low* or *high*. - ``categoryAxisTitle``. The title for the category axis. - ``valueAxisTitle``. The title for the values axis. - ``majorTickMarkPos``. The position for major tick marks, *in*, *out*, *cross*, *none* (default). - ``showAxisLabels``. Show labels for axis, *true* or *false*. - ``gridX``. Show Gridlines for X-Axis, *true* or *false*. - ``gridY``. Show Gridlines for Y-Axis, *true* or *false*.