Below are the samples on how to control your paragraph pagination. See "Line and Page Break" tab on paragraph properties window to see the attribute set by these controls.
Paragraph with widowControl = false (default: true). A "widow" is the last line of a paragraph printed by itself at the top of a page. An "orphan" is the first line of a paragraph printed by itself at the bottom of a page. Set this option to "false" if you want to disable this automatic control.
Paragraph with keepNext = true (default: false). "Keep with next" is used to prevent Word from inserting automatic page breaks between paragraphs. Set this option to "true" if you do not want your paragraph to be separated with the next paragraph.
Paragraph with keepLines = true (default: false). "Keep lines together" will prevent Word from inserting an automatic page break within a paragraph. Set this option to "true" if you do not want all lines of your paragraph to be in the same page.
Keep scrolling. More below.
Paragraph with pageBreakBefore = true (default: false). Different with all other control above, "page break before" separates your paragraph into the next page. This option is most useful for heading styles.