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use PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared\Converter;
use PhpOffice\PhpWord\Style\TablePosition;
include_once 'Sample_Header.php';
// New Word Document
echo date('H:i:s'), ' Create new PhpWord object', EOL;
$phpWord = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord();
$section = $phpWord->addSection();
$header = ['size' => 16, 'bold' => true];
// 1. Basic table
$rows = 10;
$cols = 5;
$section->addText('Basic table', $header);
$table = $section->addTable();
for ($r = 1; $r <= $rows; ++$r) {
for ($c = 1; $c <= $cols; ++$c) {
$table->addCell(1750)->addText("Row {$r}, Cell {$c}");
// 2. Advanced table
$section->addText('Fancy table', $header);
$fancyTableStyleName = 'Fancy Table';
$fancyTableStyle = ['borderSize' => 6, 'borderColor' => '006699', 'cellMargin' => 80, 'alignment' => \PhpOffice\PhpWord\SimpleType\JcTable::CENTER, 'cellSpacing' => 50];
$fancyTableFirstRowStyle = ['borderBottomSize' => 18, 'borderBottomColor' => '0000FF', 'bgColor' => '66BBFF'];
$fancyTableCellStyle = ['valign' => 'center'];
$fancyTableCellBtlrStyle = ['valign' => 'center', 'textDirection' => \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Style\Cell::TEXT_DIR_BTLR];
$fancyTableFontStyle = ['bold' => true];
$phpWord->addTableStyle($fancyTableStyleName, $fancyTableStyle, $fancyTableFirstRowStyle);
$table = $section->addTable($fancyTableStyleName);
$table->addCell(2000, $fancyTableCellStyle)->addText('Row 1', $fancyTableFontStyle);
$table->addCell(2000, $fancyTableCellStyle)->addText('Row 2', $fancyTableFontStyle);
$table->addCell(2000, $fancyTableCellStyle)->addText('Row 3', $fancyTableFontStyle);
$table->addCell(2000, $fancyTableCellStyle)->addText('Row 4', $fancyTableFontStyle);
$table->addCell(500, $fancyTableCellBtlrStyle)->addText('Row 5', $fancyTableFontStyle);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; ++$i) {
$table->addCell(2000)->addText("Cell {$i}");
$table->addCell(2000)->addText("Cell {$i}");
$table->addCell(2000)->addText("Cell {$i}");
$table->addCell(2000)->addText("Cell {$i}");
$text = (0 == $i % 2) ? 'X' : '';
* 3. colspan (gridSpan) and rowspan (vMerge)
* -------------------------
* | A | B | C |
* |-----|-----------| |
* | D | |
* ------|-----------| |
* | E | F | G | |
* -------------------------
$section->addText('Table with colspan and rowspan', $header);
$fancyTableStyle = ['borderSize' => 6, 'borderColor' => '999999'];
$cellRowSpan = ['vMerge' => 'restart', 'valign' => 'center', 'bgColor' => 'FFFF00'];
$cellRowContinue = ['vMerge' => 'continue'];
$cellColSpan = ['gridSpan' => 2, 'valign' => 'center'];
$cellHCentered = ['alignment' => \PhpOffice\PhpWord\SimpleType\Jc::CENTER];
$cellVCentered = ['valign' => 'center'];
$spanTableStyleName = 'Colspan Rowspan';
$phpWord->addTableStyle($spanTableStyleName, $fancyTableStyle);
$table = $section->addTable($spanTableStyleName);
$row1 = $table->addRow();
$row1->addCell(1000, ['gridSpan' => 2])->addText('B');
$row1->addCell(500, ['vMerge' => 'restart'])->addText('C');
$row2 = $table->addRow();
$row2->addCell(1500, ['gridSpan' => 3])->addText('D');
$row2->addCell(null, ['vMerge' => 'continue']);
$row3 = $table->addRow();
$row3->addCell(null, ['vMerge' => 'continue']);
* 4. colspan (gridSpan) and rowspan (vMerge)
* ---------------------
* | | B | 1 |
* | A | |----|
* | | | 2 |
* | |---|----|----|
* | | C | D | 3 |
* ---------------------
* @see
$section->addText('Table with colspan and rowspan', $header);
$styleTable = ['borderSize' => 6, 'borderColor' => '999999'];
$phpWord->addTableStyle('Colspan Rowspan', $styleTable);
$table = $section->addTable('Colspan Rowspan');
$row = $table->addRow();
$row->addCell(1000, ['vMerge' => 'restart'])->addText('A');
$row->addCell(1000, ['gridSpan' => 2, 'vMerge' => 'restart'])->addText('B');
$row = $table->addRow();
$row->addCell(1000, ['vMerge' => 'continue']);
$row->addCell(1000, ['vMerge' => 'continue', 'gridSpan' => 2]);
$row = $table->addRow();
$row->addCell(1000, ['vMerge' => 'continue']);
// 5. Nested table
$section->addText('Nested table in a centered and 50% width table.', $header);
$table = $section->addTable(['width' => 50 * 50, 'unit' => 'pct', 'alignment' => \PhpOffice\PhpWord\SimpleType\JcTable::CENTER]);
$cell = $table->addRow()->addCell();
$cell->addText('This cell contains nested table.');
$innerCell = $cell->addTable(['alignment' => \PhpOffice\PhpWord\SimpleType\JcTable::CENTER])->addRow()->addCell();
$innerCell->addText('Inside nested table');
// 6. Table with floating position
$section->addText('Table with floating positioning.', $header);
$table = $section->addTable(['borderSize' => 6, 'borderColor' => '999999', 'position' => ['vertAnchor' => TablePosition::VANCHOR_TEXT, 'bottomFromText' => Converter::cmToTwip(1)]]);
$cell = $table->addRow()->addCell();
$cell->addText('This is a single cell.');
// Save file
echo write($phpWord, basename(__FILE__, '.php'), $writers);
if (!CLI) {
include_once 'Sample_Footer.php';