Sample 35 InternalLink

08:34:40 Create new PhpWord object
08:34:40 Write to Word2007 format
08:34:40 Write to ODText format
08:34:40 Write to RTF format
08:34:40 Write to HTML format
08:34:40 Write to PDF format
08:34:40 Done writing file(s)
08:34:40 Peak memory usage: 8 MB


Results: docx odt rtf html pdf


include_once 'Sample_Header.php';

// New Word document
echo date('H:i:s'), ' Create new PhpWord object'EOL;
$phpWord = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord();

$section $phpWord->addSection();
$section->addTitle('This is page 1'1);
$linkIsInternal true;
$section->addLink('MyBookmark''Take me to page 3'nullnull$linkIsInternal);
$section->addTitle('This is page 2'1);
$section->addTitle('This is page 3'1);

// Save file
echo write($phpWordbasename(__FILE__'.php'), $writers);
if (!
CLI) {