Sample 27 Field

08:17:26 Create new PhpWord object
08:17:26 Write to Word2007 format
08:17:26 Write to ODText format
08:17:26 Write to RTF format
08:17:26 Write to HTML format
08:17:26 Write to PDF format
08:17:26 Done writing file(s)
08:17:26 Peak memory usage: 10 MB


Results: docx odt rtf html pdf


use PhpOffice\PhpWord\Element\TextRun;


// New Word document
echo date('H:i:s'), ' Create new PhpWord object'EOL;
$phpWord = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord();
PhpOffice\PhpWord\Style::addTitleStyle(1, ['size' => 14]);

// New section
$section $phpWord->addSection();
$section->addTitle('This page demos fields');

// Add Field elements
// See Element/Field.php for all options
$section->addText('Date field:');
$section->addField('DATE', ['dateformat' => 'dddd d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss'], ['PreserveFormat']);

$section->addText('Style Ref field:');
$section->addField('STYLEREF', ['StyleIdentifier' => 'Heading 1']);

$section->addText('Page field:');
$section->addField('PAGE', ['format' => 'Arabic']);

$section->addText('Number of pages field:');
$section->addField('NUMPAGES', ['numformat' => '0,00''format' => 'Arabic'], ['PreserveFormat']);

$section->addText('Filename field:');
$section->addField('FILENAME', ['format' => 'Upper'], ['Path''PreserveFormat']);

$textrun $section->addTextRun();
$textrun->addText('An index field is ');
$textrun->addField('XE', [], ['Italic'], 'My first index');

$indexEntryText = new TextRun();
$indexEntryText->addText('My ');
$indexEntryText->addText('bold index', ['bold' => true]);
$indexEntryText->addText(' entry');

$textrun $section->addTextRun();
$textrun->addText('A complex index field is ');
$textrun->addField('XE', [], ['Bold'], $indexEntryText);

$section->addText('The actual index:');
$section->addField('INDEX', [], ['\\e "    "'], 'right click to update the index');

$textrun $section->addTextRun(['alignment' => \PhpOffice\PhpWord\SimpleType\Jc::CENTER]);
$textrun->addText('This is the date of lunar calendar ');
$textrun->addField('DATE', ['dateformat' => 'd-M-yyyy H:mm:ss'], ['PreserveFormat''LunarCalendar']);
$textrun->addText(' written in a textrun.');

$macroText = new TextRun();
$macroText->addText('Double click', ['bold' => true]);
$macroText->addText(' to ');
$macroText->addText('zoom to 100%', ['italic' => true]);

$section->addText('A macro button with styled text:');
$section->addField('MACROBUTTON', ['macroname' => 'Zoom100'], [], $macroText);

$section->addText('A macro button with simple text:');
$section->addField('MACROBUTTON', ['macroname' => 'Zoom100'], [], 'double click to zoom');

// Save file
echo write($phpWordbasename(__FILE__'.php'), $writers);
if (!
CLI) {